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Vitamins for the kidneys help to normalize their normal functioning during the dysregulation of homeostasis or the efficiency of the diuretic formation. It is on this organ that a very large physical load falls since the process of blood filtration is constantly taking place here. A great variety of kidney functions require constant replenishment of vitamins in the human body.
The benefits and needs of vitamins for kidney disease
There are several groups and individual vitamins that help maintain the kidneys in good condition:
- Vitamin A helps to establish deposition processes in the body, in which most belong to such a component as glycogen. It is his deficiency in humans that can affect disturbances in the work of bile secretion. In addition, the minimum level of glycogen can easily provoke the destruction of the regenerative functions of the renal system.
- Tocopherol or vitamin E helps to bring the entire integrity of the renal membranes to a stable state. Vitamin E takes an active part in all processes of the human immune system.
- Thiamine and riboflavin, which are better known among the population as vitamins B1 and B2, are widely involved in metabolic and carbohydrate processes. These vitamins are needed to stabilize normal functioning, as they have a positive effect on blood vessels. Thiamine is also famous for the benefits that it is involved in the formation of fats and proteins.
- Vitamin B12 must be taken in combination with the previous subspecies since it provokes the normalization of the functioning of the circulatory creation. Another name for this component is cyanocobalamin, which is part of enzymes. These particles in the organ are responsible for important processes such as decarboxylation and deamination.
- Almost the entire human body for normal functioning requires the required amount of a vitamin such as ascorbic acid (group C). Their metabolic processes, as well as the formation of the necessary hormones to regulate the permeability of the vascular walls, directly depend on its sufficient amount in the kidneys.
- Energy metabolism is achieved through a sufficient content of niacin, which is most often found in vitamin complexes, as well as in some foods.
For the proper functioning of the entire renal system, it is necessary to replenish the vitamin diet daily. The great need for different groups of vitamins is explained by the fact that the kidneys in the human body perform more than a dozen vital functions, the main of which are metabolic and regulatory functions.
Food and vitamin complexes for the kidneys
A healthy diet and a proper diet of food affect the functioning of the whole human body, and the renal system is no exception. Vitamins for the kidneys are found in different foods. The main ones include the following products
A large amount of vitamins from groups A and E is contained in ordinary pumpkin, which you can afford at any time of the year and in different regions of a large country. Its popularity is also justified by the high content of useful trace elements, minerals, and organic particles. In addition, pumpkin is famous for its diuretic properties, which positively affects the urinary function of the organ;
Berries such as rose hips and cranberries are famous for their colossal content of ascorbic acid. It is these products that protect the kidneys from the formation of sand and stones, which lead to the patient’s urolithiasis;
Each person's diet should contain a large number of greens, especially for those citizens who have chronic kidney disease. The best foods for them are green foods such as spinach, dill, parsley, cilantro, and onions. Toxins and slags are actively coming out from the use of dill by humans, which, moreover, will have a large number of useful trace elements.
If it is impossible to normalize proper nutrition, the patient can be prescribed ready-made vitamin complexes, which are presented in large quantities in pharmacies. It is best to consult a specialist before buying a certain product, who will help you choose the right trace elements and vitamins, depending on the specific type of kidney disease.
One of the most popular pharmacy complexes is Gentos Forte. In addition to normalizing kidney function, this drug is also recommended for those patients who suffer from bladder disease. The main active ingredients of the product are pumpkin seeds, zinc, magnesium, vitamin E, and beta-carotene. In the instructions for use, the main indications for its use are diseases such as cystitis, prostatitis and pyelonephritis.
Based on cranberry extract, you can find a natural drug called Urinal on the shelves of pharmacies. Its action is aimed at eliminating inflammatory and infectious diseases of the renal system, as well as the bladder. It can be used by pregnant women, in childhood, and also as preventive measures.
To keep the kidneys healthy, it is important to monitor your diet and eat healthy foods for this organ. After all, the kidneys are a natural filter of the human body.
The kidneys cleanse the body of toxic substances, remove excess fluid from it, maintain blood pressure, and participate in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus. A large flow of blood passes through the kidneys, which are the body’s natural filter (about 1.2 liters per minute in an adult ). Each bud is about 12 cm long and weighs about 150 g.
- Is water good for the kidneys?
Water is the most important fluid for the human body. Cells use water to transport toxins from organs and tissues into the bloodstream. The water then assists the kidneys in filtering these toxins and creating urine that flushes the toxins out of the body. To maintain this feature it is desirable to drink water whenever there is thirst.
If a person with chronic kidney disease builds up fluid and swells in their legs, their doctor may recommend that they limit their daily fluid intake.
Kidney-friendly foods
For normal kidney function and prevention of kidney disease, we recommend eating fatty fish, sweet potatoes, green vegetables, and olive oil. Salmon, tuna, and other fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids can be a beneficial addition to any diet. After all, the omega-3 fatty acids they contain reduce the level of fats in the blood and prevent high blood pressure, which improves kidney function. It should be borne in mind that sea and ocean fish contain much more fatty acids than river fish. In addition, river fish does not contain bromine and iodine.
Sweet potatoes (yams) contain vitamins and minerals (such as potassium) to help the kidneys balance sodium levels in the body. Green vegetables (spinach, broccoli) are high in vitamins, fiber, and minerals needed for kidney health. Also, green vegetables are a source of antioxidants that act as a natural shield for the body and promote the renewal of cells, tissues, and organs of the human body, which is beneficial for the kidneys. As a salad dressing, it is best to use olive oil – a source of monounsaturated fatty acids (including oleic acid), which are good for kidney function.
If kidney diseases are useful red bell peppers (containing large amounts of vitamins A and C, required for the kidneys), garlic (containing antioxidants), and cauliflower (thereby reducing the level of sugar in the blood ).
Fruit for the kidneys
A good kidney snack is apples. After all, apples contain a large amount of vitamin C and pectin, which helps to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Apple peel is a source of antioxidants, including quercetin, which protects brain cells from aging.
Watermelon and pineapple have a positive effect on kidney function. Watermelon, which has a diuretic effect, flushes the kidneys from sand, dissolves salts, and removes them from the body. Pineapple contains fiber, manganese, vitamin C, and has anti-inflammatory effects.
What berries are good for the kidneys?
People with chronic kidney disease benefit from cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and red grapes. Cranberry helps cleanse the kidneys, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Strawberries, blueberries, and grapes cleanse the kidneys and help remove stones from them. Cherries are rich in pectin and contain chlorogenic acid, which normalizes kidney function.
Foods harmful to the kidneys
Scientists have found that there is a link between excess phosphorus in the body and chronic kidney disease. To prevent kidney disease, it is recommended to refrain from excessive consumption of phosphorus-containing foods:
- meat;
- dairy products;
- most cereals;
- legumes;
- fish;
- Nuts.
- sauces;
- seasonings;
- crisps;
- salted nuts;
- fast food;
- smoked fish
Final Conclusion
Excess alcohol is harmful to the kidneys. It needs water to break down, so the kidneys pass more fluids through them than usual. And after they have coped with the task, dehydration sets in, the functioning of the excretory organs is disrupted.
Excess sugar and salt are harmful. As soon as the first symptoms of kidney disease appear (fever, blood pressure, back pain, lower back pain, edema, problems with urination), you should immediately give up overly sweet and salty foods.
Meat lovers force the kidneys to work with an increased load, because proteins, unlike fats, do not accumulate in the body, they must be completely eliminated. Highly publicized protein diets lead to kidney stones.
For kidney disease, it is recommended to eat less chocolate, foods high in calcium – cottage cheese, cheese, and other fermented milk products.
But fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs help the kidneys to work actively. Useful sea fish, as well as cucumbers, bell peppers, cabbage, apples, watermelons and melons, carrots, rich in vitamin A. In case of kidney problems, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids: infections are washed out with a large amount of liquid. You can drink up to 2.5 liters per day, depending on body weight. Better if it is berry fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, green tea, water. Oddly enough, edema occurs more often not from excess, but from a lack of fluid in the body. The body begins to store water if it is supplied in insufficient quantities.