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Multivitamins are available in many forms. The tablets, Chewable gums, Liquids to drop, and the drops. Infants are so small that they cannot swallow or chew the tablets. Moreover, this is difficult for them to take the liquid in a large quantity. This is the reason that the best suitable and the available option for the Infant are the multivitamins drops.
Drops are usually taken in small quantities with the help of the dropper. So this is easy for the child to take the drops.
In diabetes mellitus, carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed. The absorption of glucose in the patient’s body worsens, so its level rises. This is the main reason why there is a lack of essential trace elements in this disease. With an increase in glucose levels, the withdrawal of chromium, calcium, magnesium is accelerated. The need for antioxidants also increases as oxidative stress develops. Avitaminosis develops due to other reasons
- All diabetics must follow a special diet. They are banned from many foods that are a source of essential trace elements.
- The disease is accompanied by frequent urination. Many essential minerals, such as potassium, are excreted in the urine.
- A violation of fat metabolism develops weight increases. This impairs the absorption of many vitamins.
Therefore, it is so important to know what vitamins you need to take in diabetes. Correctly selected drugs help to replenish the lack of nutrients, strengthen the immune system, and speed up metabolic processes. The intake of necessary trace elements is necessary to prevent complications and improve the patient’s well-being.
The need for trace elements depends on the age of the patient, the type and severity of the disease, and the presence of complications. Therefore, you should not independently decide what vitamins to drink with diabetes. The doctor will help you determine the increased need for which vitamins.
Retinol is essential to prevent eye pathologies that often develop with this disease. Taking retinol strengthens the immune system, increases the permeability of cell membranes.
- normalizes blood pressure;
- improves the condition of the skin and hair;
- restores blood supply to the retina;
- slows down aging.
These are the most important trace elements that are involved in all metabolic processes and in the work of many organs. High glucose levels and taking anti-hypoglycemic drugs impair absorption. Therefore, diabetics are advised to take them constantly.
- Thiamine (B1) normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, activates blood circulation. Helps prevent retinopathy and neuropathy.
- Riboflavin (B2) stimulates the production of hemoglobin, protects the eyes from pathologies, and normalizes digestion.
- Niacin (B3) strengthens the walls of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol levels, and regulates microcirculation.
- Pantothenic acid (B5) regulates the adrenal glands, helps to overcome stress.
- Pyridoxine (B6) is essential for diabetics to prevent nervous system disorders. This trace mineral also improves the absorption of insulin and prevents the development of neuropathy.
- Biotin (B7) works in a similar way to insulin, increasing its effectiveness. It normalizes energy metabolism, stimulates the synthesis of fatty acids.
- Folic acid (B9) stimulates protein metabolism, improves blood circulation and tissue regeneration.
- Cyanocobalamin (B12) is essential for all types of metabolic processes. It improves appetite, liver function
Ascorbic acid is involved in metabolism, increases the effectiveness of insulin, strengthens the immune system, and regulates blood clotting. They take ascorbic acid to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels of the lower extremities.
Calciferol improves the absorption of calcium, stimulates the production of hormones. It prevents the development of osteoporosis and skin diseases, strengthens bones and teeth, and normalizes the work of the heart muscle. It is recommended to take calciferol together with calcium.
When a patient is figuring out which vitamins to take for type 2 or type 1 diabetes, one should not forget about minerals. Diabetics often lack them.
- SELENIUM: It is a powerful antioxidant that protects tissues from oxidative stress. It prevents the appearance of cataracts, normalizes the functions of the pancreas.
- IRON:With iron deficiency, the oxidation of glucose is disrupted, the level of hemoglobin decreases. This mineral is necessary for the normalization of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, for strengthening the immune system.
- CHROMIUM: Chromium is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, improves the absorption of insulin, increases its activity. It is needed to prevent cataracts. This mineral helps you stay on the diet by reducing sugar cravings.
- ZINC: Zinc improves the patient's condition and prevents many complications. It reduces cholesterol levels, activates insulin synthesis. Zinc accelerates tissue regeneration, strengthens the immune system.
- MAGNESIUM: This mineral is required by all diabetics. It regulates the conduction of nerve impulses, improves the condition of the retina.
Vitamins are also found naturally in the barries this is the reason that we have found some of the available barries for you that have a good amount of vitamins.
Desserts loved since childhood, are not often on the table for people with diabetes. This is not surprising, because most dessert dishes contain simple (harmful) carbohydrates, have a high glycemic index (GI), which means they quickly raise blood glucose levels. Diabetics are allowed to eat only certain fruits and berries as desserts. In order not to harm health when using them, it is useful to find out which berries can be used for diabetes, and which ones should be discarded.
A sick person, like no one else, needs a full, balanced diet that will provide his body with the necessary substances. But if he is forced to follow a therapeutic diet, products have to be selected with extreme caution, otherwise, the disease may worsen. With diabetes mellitus (DM), you should not eat too high-calorie foods, foods rich in simple carbohydrates, foods with a high GI (more than 40 units). Compared to other products, berries are noticeably different in that:
- are not high in calories;
- carbohydrates in their composition are represented by a group of “slow” (complex) compounds;
- the glycemic index for most of them is below average.
The main advantage of berries lies in their varied vitamin and mineral composition. However, all these qualities are characteristic only of fresh or fresh frozen fruits. Berry preserves or jams, sweet compotes, or jelly are contraindicated for diabetics.
- silicon;
- boron;
- cobalt and other trace elements.
Low GI foods also include cherries (22 units) and sweet cherries (25 units). The use of cherries and cherries in diabetes mellitus also raises many questions. These garden berries contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates and are rich in vitamins and minerals:
- ascorbic acid;
- beta-carotene (it’s content in cherries is 18 times higher than in cherries);
- vanadium;
- silicon;
- chromium;
- nickel;
- potassium;
- copper and others.
Cherries and cherries contain a small amount of fructose (fruit sugar), sucrose, starch, fiber, aspartic acid, phytosterols. Berries have the ability to improve insulin production and maintain optimal glucose levels. For this reason, cherries and cherries with diabetes mellitus can be eaten. It is recommended to eat no more than 100-150 g per serving.
The glycemic index of black currant is only 15 units. In terms of vitamin C reserves, this berry is ahead of other garden fruits, 100 g of currants contain 263% of the daily value of ascorbic acid. It is also rich in pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and vitamin E, which is represented by alpha, delta, and gamma-tocopherols, rarely found in other berries. The chemical composition is dominated by:
- silicon;
- boron;
- cobalt;
- molybdenum;
- manganese;
- potassium;
- iron;
- copper.
Berries contain the amino acids glycine and histidine, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, pectin, fiber, phytosterols, sugars, oxalic acid. The fruits of black currant can literally be called a repository of antioxidants – substances that prevent oxidative processes and other dangerous chain reactions in the body. This is why black currant is not only allowed for diabetes but also recommended as a beneficial dietary supplement. To get the benefits of black currant, it is enough to eat 100 grams of berries per day.
Red currant is less saturated, contains 3 times less vitamin C. But the fruits of the red variety are rich in vitamin K, and they contain no less macro and microelements than in blackberries. Therefore, diabetics should not refuse from red currants, the GI of which is 30 units.
The berry, rich in iodine, is useful for people with low hemoglobin and fat metabolism disorders. Due to the high level of beta-sitosterols (substances with antiandrogenic activity), it is referred to as “female products”. Blueberries have a slightly increased glycemic level – 43 units. This indicator is provided by the high content of glucose and fructose (48% and 14% of the daily dose, respectively).
At the same time, berries contain a sufficient amount of fiber (over 11%), which allows you to slow down the process of assimilation of carbohydrates. Blueberries for diabetes can be eaten in small portions. A handful of 50-100 g per day will be enough.
It is useful for diabetics to know which berries should not be used for diabetes. Due to the high GI and the content of fast carbohydrates, grapes in any form (fresh, juices, raisins) are contraindicated for diabetics. You should not get carried away with pomegranate, apricots. Any juices are not useful, even freshly prepared (there is practically no fiber left in them), canned berries, berry creams or jellies, and similar sweets.
There are many prohibitions in the diet of diabetes, but most fresh berries can and should be eaten. They contain vitamins, minerals, and other useful substances, give vigor, improve mood. And this facilitates the course of the disease.
Final Words
Diabetes is a disease you need to live with. If managed properly you can easily have a healthy life with this. The Diabetes can be fatal if not managed properly. Therefore This is highly advisable to meet your doctor regularly and jump into medical investigations from time to time.