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Do you know that from a physiological point of view, a person from the age of 14 is considered an adult, and the correct diet and vitamins for adolescents 15-17 years old is the key to the harmonious development of a mature body? In the case of a lack of vitamins and minerals, the teenager becomes lethargic, often irritable, his sleep is disturbed, his appetite worsens. To avoid such problems and at the same time to strengthen the immune system, you need to worry about a complete and balanced diet. And as additional support, it is recommended to take the so-called teenage vitamins. Among them is ALPHABET Teenager. Taking it regularly will help to cope with high mental and emotional stress, which is very important for a teenager during graduation and entrance exams.
The Problems of the teenage
At the age of 13, the girl is a real teenager: hormones wake up, skin and hair get greasy many times faster, and her mood changes every minute
About vitamins for teenagers. What are the most important ones?
Above all, teenagers need adequate sleep, ideally at least 10 hours. For immunity, nervous and hormonal health. This does not always work out, but we will strive for it.
Adequate intake of vitamins is also important.
According to a report by the American Academy of Pediatrics, multivitamins are essential for children who don’t have a varied diet. The study found that children who did not take vitamins had low levels of vitamins D, E, and calcium.
I have compiled a list of the most important vitamins for teens.
A good complex increases stress resistance and prevents nutrient deficiencies.
For example, zinc deficiency impairs growth and vice versa – adequate intake of B vitamins reduces the effects of physical and emotional stress, as well as acne.
By the way, girls who have periods need about 15 mg of iron per day
Vitamin D
Multivitamins do not contain vitamin D. Most children (and adults) are severely deficient, and vitamin D, along with calcium, supports bone strength and a healthy hormonal system.
Vitamin D also regulates blood sugar levels, protects against flu and respiratory tract infections, and fights depression and bad mood.
Working dosage: 1,000 – 2,000 year-round, as advised by the expert community.
Fish oil for teenagers
Fatty acids are essential for brain health. They serve as building blocks for building cell membranes, stimulating the region of the brain that controls memory and learning.
Another interesting study at the University of Liverpool showed that fish oil can minimize the negative effects that “junk food” has on the brain. Fast food disrupts the creation of nerve cells, but a diet rich in omega-3s can prevent this negative effect.
Working dosage: 1000 mg EPA and DHA combined for most teens. Many teenagers do not drink capsules, they normally take liquid omegas.
For years, I’ve been writing about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids found in supplements and fish. Omega recommendations change almost every month, as often as vitamin D. If you want to benefit, track your omega acid levels and replenish them with supplements. Experts recommend eating fish less and less because of the accumulation of mercury.
I take omega-3s and recommend to everyone a course of omega in a reliable and proven supplement.
There are many studies that omega acids affect the functioning of the heart and brain, reduce cravings for harmful foods, improve skin and hormone balance. Fatty acids also increase our energy, immunity, and concentration.
Benefits of omega-3s for the brain and heart
Below, I will share the research led by Daniel Amen, physician and brain health expert. So, omega-3 benefits for the brain and health:
- 1) According to Harvard Medical School, low omega-3 levels are one of the most common causes of death! Deficiency has been linked to heart disease, strokes, depression, suicidal behavior, and obesity.
- 2) There is evidence that a very low concentration of omega-3 in the blood plays a role in the development of drug addiction, food addiction, and cravings for harmful foods.
- 3) The two most studied omega-3 fatty acids are eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA). DHA makes up most of the gray matter of the brain, and is part of cell membranes, especially in the retina and brain. DHA is essential for the development of the brain in fetuses and young children, and for normal brain function throughout life.
- 4) Eicosapentaenoic Acid EPA improves blood circulation, which also affects brain function and thinking ability.
- 5) Omega fatty acids lower cholesterol and triglycerides, the risk of sudden death from a heart attack, and blood pressure. Fish oil also helps with joint pain and is good for the skin. It reduces inflammation and improves heart function, making skin look fresher too!
Omega-3s Reduce Food Cravings
Replenishment of Omega-3 deficiency reduces appetite and constant food cravings, reduces body fat, and regulates weight and mood. Omega-3 enhances the feeling of fullness after eating and is involved in the regulation of the hormones ghrelin and leptin.
In an experiment published in the British Journal of Nutrition, it was found that obese people had lower levels of EPA and DHA compared to the normal weight group. And people with high rates more often had a normal weight, waist, and hips!
Omega acids extend the life
One large study, published in the Lancet, involved over 11,000 people. All of them had suffered a heart attack within 3 months prior to the study. The experiment lasted 42 months. The results showed that the risk of death in people taking fish oil and vitamin E was reduced!
Fish oil reduces inflammation, stabilizes nerve cells, and helps fight blood clots. During menopause, taking omega can reduce hormonal shifts and mood swings.
Fish oil also helps balance emotions and mood in older adults, relieve symptoms of depression, and even improve cognitive performance.
Calcium and magnesium
Calcium is critical for building bone strength, but it turns out that magnesium is too. In a Yale University study, magnesium supplements increased bone density in adolescent girls.
Calcium absorption is directly dependent on vitamin D, and magnesium helps to concentrate and maintain focus for a long time, plus it supports a healthy nervous system and a healthy response to stress.
Working dosage: 700-1300 mg calcium and 240-410 mg magnesium per day.
Vitamins for teenagers with acne
The main skin problems in adolescents are due to hormone fluctuations. Supplementation and dietary restrictions on sugar and simple carbohydrates can help.
Zinc studies have shown an effect similar to the antibiotic tetracycline in severe inflammation. Most of the subjects took 12 weeks of zinc supplementation, but some showed immediate improvement. The dosage of zinc is 30-45 mg per day, in the form of picolinate or citrate.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 stimulates growth hormone and affects hormones, and low levels in adolescents can affect acne, mood swings, and sugar cravings. Vitamin B6 is also used to treat acne outbreaks in PMS. Effective dosage: 25-100 mg per day.
Pantothenic acid reduces the secretion of sebum, reduces the appearance of acne. Take 200 mg twice daily.
Selenium and vitamin E
Selenium and vitamin E enhances the effectiveness of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that prevents inflammation (in acne, the level of this enzyme is reduced). Studies have shown that after therapy with vitamin E and selenium, glutathione peroxidase is increased and acne is significantly reduced.
Effective dosages: 100-200 IU for vitamin E + 100-400 mcg of selenium.
Evening primrose oil
Evening primrose oil reduces acne by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha reductase plus relieves PMS symptoms and menstrual pain. Dosage for teens: 500 mg of evening primrose oil 1 or 2 times a day, but the result should be expected for several months.
How to Choose the Supplement for the teenager
- The product must be made specifically for adolescence. Adult vitamins will not work.
- The complex should correspond to the age of the child and his physical condition. The drugs are selected by age (younger or older adolescent). They can be aimed at combating specific problems of the body: decreased vision, overweight, or, conversely, lack of it, diabetes, and others.
- We pay special attention to the composition. Children under 18 need to get daily elements such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, and iron.
- It is desirable that the vitamins are hypoallergenic.
- The supplement must be purchased exclusively from pharmacies, the manufacturer must be popular and with a good reputation.
- To determine the best products, in addition to the listed characteristics, we studied the reviews of ordinary buyers. Based on them and the opinion of experts, we have selected.
Vitamins for children involved in sports
Sports loads plunge the body into regular stress, both physical and psychological. On the one hand, the body is forced to overcome various challenges, while actively spending energy in the form of carbohydrates and fatty acids. Sometimes protein structures of your own muscle fibers are added to this. On the other hand, high-quality and timely restoration also depletes resources.
The issue of recovery in adolescence, when the body is exposed to the greatest stress, and not only sports, is especially acute. Functional systems begin to work at an accelerated rate to meet the needs of a rapidly growing organism. The consumption of many minerals in adolescents exceeds that in adults. And those who go in for sports have even more energy consumption (about 3-5 times than that of an ordinary person).
Features of the diet for children-athletes
- With regular training 4-5 times a week (once a day), the recommendations for the diet of children-athletes are as follows:
- Caloric content is at least 1800 kcal for boys and 1600 for girls.
- For breakfast, there must be slow carbohydrates that will provide the body with energy for at least half a day. Porridges do the best with this task.
- Lean meats and protein foods such as hard cheese and cottage cheese should be eaten twice a day - for lunch and dinner. For lunch, combine them with carbohydrates (cereals or salads), in the evening - with a vegetable side dish.
- Fatty fish should be included in the diet at least 3 times a week. Every day - butter and vegetable oil (about 40-50 g). It is imperative to season vegetable salads with them, since the vitamins that makeup vegetables are absorbed only in the presence of a small amount of oil.
- To strengthen the cartilage tissue, products containing hyaluronic acid are needed. Sources of acid: agar-agar, shrimp, jellied meat and rich broths, jelly, and jelly.
- The diet can change depending on the load since many athletes train 2-3 times a day.
Final Words
Maintaining health is one of the main daily tasks of everyone, especially a teenager. At the age of 11-18 years, the processes of physical and mental development are especially active, therefore, one cannot do without a constant supply of necessary substances. Lack of vitamins can lead to serious health problems.
Useful complexes can help to cope with difficulties associated with gender maturation, hormonal changes, nutrition, stressful situations. Proven funds are sold, as a rule, only in pharmacies. However, their variety can confuse even the most “savvy” buyers. To determine the choice of vitamins, we recommend using a number of criteria as some are described in this article.