Vitamins for toddlers under 2

Vitamins for toddlers under 2

Vitamins for toddlers under 2 are a very special group of vitamins, radically different from those that adults usually take. A child’s body differs from an adult mainly in that it has not yet developed those basic protective functions that would protect it from microbes, viruses, and infections. 

To maintain the health of the child and improve the body’s ability to resist seasonal diseases, in addition to hardening, proper nutrition, playing sports, it is imperative to purchase vitamins for immunity for children who need to drink a course at least 2 times a year – in autumn and spring. The best children’s vitamins contain a full range of vitamins and minerals, the need for which differs at different age periods. 

Therefore, it is necessary to select complexes in accordance with the age of your baby.

Also, the child’s body is in the stage of development and growth. It changes every day, acquires new properties and new needs.

When vitamins are needed

Different vitamins are needed in different situations where we have sorted out the most critical for you

Harsh climate or unfavorable radiation conditions

For children who live in regions with a harsh climate or unfavorable radiation conditions, a vitamin complex for children is recommended, which includes antioxidant vitamins to protect the child’s body from the adverse effects of external factors.

Recovery Period from illness

It is recommended to take vitamins for appetite for children after serious illnesses when a balanced diet is needed to restore health, and the child refuses to eat. Such complexes contain an increased amount of vitamin C.

Teeth and Gum Problem

For problems with teeth and gums, such as loosening, bleeding, pale skin, poor wound healing are some of the indicators for taking vitamin C.

Dry Skin Brittle Hair and Nails

For dry skin, brittle hair and nails, vitamin F is needed.

Lethargy, and sadness

Lack of appetite, lethargy, and sadness can be signs of a vitamin B1 deficiency.

The appearance of cracks on the lips and sores on the tongue, as well as photosensitivity, may indicate a lack of vitamin B2. Increased fatigue, weakness, anemia, bad mood, ulcers on the tongue may indicate a lack of vitamin B12.

After antibiotic treatment.

To meet the needs at certain stages of growth with the necessary elements and minerals.

In the spring and autumn period.

During periods of increased risk of being exposed to colds and viral diseases.

Choosing vitamins for babies

Growth retardation and underweight are observed in more than 30% of children. This is largely due to the lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet, which plays the leading role in the development of a baby, both mentally and physically. The answer to the question of whether children need additional vitamins is becoming obvious.

What are the reasons for vitamin deficiency in children?

Hypovitaminosis in young children is often associated not only with the monotonous, improper diet of the child at home and in kindergarten. Often, the reasons for the insufficient intake of nutrients lie in reasons beyond the control of parents.

  1. The gastrointestina l tract of babies under three years old cannot thoroughly digest raw vegetables and fruits, which contain the greatest amount of vitamins. Therefore, you have to process products thermally and grind – from this most vitamins are destroyed.
  2. Dysbacteriosis, which develops in many children under three years of age, also contributes to the situation with hypovitaminosis. Due to dysbiosis, the processes of absorption of vitamins and minerals in the intestines are disrupted, as a result, they enter the blood in a smaller amount.
  3. It is widely believed that the main source of vitamins is fruits and vegetables. Indeed, they will make up for the lack of vitamins C and P, folic acid, and b-carotene. But parents must not forget that the essential vitamins are also found in meat products, they provide vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12.
    • Milk and dairy products supply vitamins A and B2 to the body,
    • Cereals – vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, E; 
    • Vegetable fats  – vitamins E,
    • Animals  – vitamins A and D. 

Therefore, the child’s diet should be complete if the baby’s health allows it to include all these products.

However, today there is a serious problem: from 15 to 40% of children suffer from food allergies. It is often necessary to exclude foods that are sources of vitamins from a child’s diet.

Shorter and Demanding

Supplementing a child’s diet with a vitamin and mineral complex is a reasonable and only correct decision. Now you need to understand the whole variety of vitamins for children and choose the most suitable for the baby.

10 essential vitamins for children 1 to 3 years old

A child under one year old, eating mother’s milk or a balanced formula, fully satisfies the body’s needs for vitamins and minerals.

The only exception is vitamin D, which is synthesized in the skin only under the influence of sunlight. Its deficiency can lead to the development of rickets and a decrease in immunity.

Due to the climatic conditions and the daily routine of the newborn, this vitamin must be taken additionally by both breastfed babies and “artificial”.

After a year, the child is already familiar with adult food, formula/milk in the diet becomes less and less.

During this period, you should carefully approach the nutrition of the child. The following year vitamins for children are also important, as well as the remaining stages of child development. Only a sufficient variety in the diet will allow satisfying the basic needs of the body for full growth and development, as well as avoiding the unpleasant diagnosis of “vitamin deficiency”. 

Vitamin A (retinol, carotene) 

Benefit:  essential for strong bone tissue, vision; participates in metabolic processes of the body, protein synthesis; is an antioxidant.

Signs of deficiency:  hyperactivity, itchy skin, cracked lips, dry mouth, and nose.

Foods high in the element:  beef liver (retinol), carrots (carotene).

Age:  vitamins for children from a year.

B vitamins

Benefit:  necessary for the cardiovascular, nervous system; participate in metabolic processes, protein synthesis in the body; improve memory and concentration.

Signs of deficiency:  skin peeling, decreased appetite, irritability, lethargy.

High-element foods: yeast, dairy products, sprouted grains, liver.

Age:  vitamins for children under one-year-old in some parts of the world like Ukraine.

Vitamin C for children (ascorbic acid)

Benefit:  participates in the process of hematopoiesis, strengthens the nervous system, stimulates the endocrine glands, helps to absorb the gland. In addition, adequate vitamin C levels provide strong immune defenses.

Deficiency symptoms:  fatigue, weakness, loose gums, caries.

Foods with a high element content:  rose hips, citrus fruits, black currants, white cabbage.

Age:  vitamins for children from a year.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Benefit:  participates in protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism in the body; antioxidants; strengthens the immune system, increases attention, and improves memory.

Signs of deficiency:  muscle weakness, anemia, tissue edema, allergic reactions.

Foods with a high element content:  grains, nuts and their derivatives (vegetable oils). The leader is wheat germ oil. 

Age:  vitamins for children from a year.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 (fish oil as a form) and Omega-6

Benefits: necessary for the development of the brain and nervous system; affect metabolism and the formation of immunity.

Signs of deficiency: peeling, dry skin, constipation.

Foods high in the element: sea fish, eggs, flaxseed oil.

Age: vitamins for children from a year.


Benefit: it is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, and provides oxygen to the internal organs of the child.

Deficiency signs: lack of appetite; the pallor of the ears, eyelids, oral mucosa; dryness and peeling of the skin on the elbows.

Foods with a high element content: rabbit meat, turkey; green vegetables.

Age: vitamins for children from 1 year old


Benefits: is the basis of bone tissue, is responsible for the health of teeth, hair; participates in metabolic processes of the body, is necessary for immune defense, and the proper functioning of nerve cells.

Signs of deficiency: stunting; dental diseases, brittle nails, hair; increased irritability, fatigue.

Foods with a high element content: sesame seeds, poppy seeds, rose hips, hazelnuts, dairy products.

Age: vitamins for children 3 years old.


Benefit: in combination with calcium, it is responsible for the health and strength of bone tissue; “Energy carrier” – carries energy through the cells of the body.

Signs of deficiency: decreased appetite; weakness, irritability; pain in muscles, and joints.

Foods with a high element content: dry yeast, dairy products, seafood.

Age: vitamins for children 3 years old.


Benefit: has an anti-stress effect on the body; participates in the formation of bone tissue, the transmission of nerve impulses.

Signs of deficiency: unstable emotional background: irritability, tantrums, restless sleep.

Foods with a high element content: bran, pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, soy.

Age: vitamin for children from 3 years old


Benefit: participates in metabolic processes, the formation of bone tissue, is necessary for the maturation of the nervous system; accelerates wound healing; releases vitamin A, which is essential for vision, skin health, and strong immunity.

Deficiency signs: irritability, hyperactivity; growth retardation and weight loss; allergic reactions.

High-element foods: seafood, legumes, nuts.

Age:  vitamins for children under 3 years old.

Thus, zinc is one of the main vitamins during childhood development from 2 to 3 years.

Multivitamins or natural sources

To scoop vitamins from food or take vitamin complexes – everyone decides for himself.

Indeed, in the season of vegetables and fruits, synthetic vitamins are not needed. But in the autumn-winter period, characterized by colds and decreased immunity, the multivitamin complex will be a good help for the child’s body.

Be healthy!

Final Words

Observing all these rules when choosing a vitamin complex for your child, you can be sure that the growth and development of the baby is going as it should, and the risk of allergic reactions is minimal.