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Multivitamins are available in many forms. The tablets, Chewable gums, Liquids to drop, and the drops. Infants are so small that they cannot swallow or chew the tablets. Moreover, this is difficult for them to take the liquid in a large quantity. This is the reason that the best suitable anد the available option for the Infant are the multivitamins drops.
Drops are usually taken in small quantities with the help of the dropper. So this is easy for the child to take the drops.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D or cholecalciferol is a fat-soluble element that is considered essential for the normal development of the newborn’s body. The main function is responsible for the absorption of calcium from the intestine into the blood and its further incorporation into the bone skeleton. A sufficient amount ensures the strength of bones and their planned development.
Vitamin D and its functionalities
Other positive characteristics include:
- participates in the production of peptides that protect against microbes, regulate insulin levels and blood pressure, support the nervous system;
- reduces the likelihood of inflammatory processes;
- reduces the likelihood of oncology, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, rheumatic arthritis;
- strengthens the immune system.
Vitamin D is needed
How do you know that Vitamin D is needed by the body? These are some symptoms. These if appear may indicate the deficiency of the Vitamin D has occurred in the body of the infant
- sweating of feet, palms, and scalp;
- lack of appetite;
- constant nervous excitement;
- bald patches on the back of the head;
- frequent insomnia.
This is how the first, mildest stage of rickets manifests itself. If these symptoms are found, it is worthwhile to immediately start preventing the disease. Otherwise, the development of the second stage is inevitable.
Symptoms of the second stage of rickets:
- A significant slowdown in tooth growth;
- deformation of the bones;
- disruption of the internal organs;
- weak muscle tone – hypotonia in infants.
As a result, the baby lags behind his peers in c. If, at this stage, the parents do not take measures to eliminate the lack of vitamin D in infants, then more serious pathological changes should be expected.
Manifestations of a severe stage of rickets:
- The curvature of the legs in the form of the letters “O” or “X”;
- frog belly;
- a significant increase in the size of the head in relation to the body;
- the appearance of tubercles on the crown and forehead, the forehead becomes convex;
- deformation of the ribs and the entire skeleton;
- poor mental development.
The curvature of the legs will cause a curvature of the pelvis and the skeleton as a whole, which will negatively affect the girl’s future ability to bear and give birth to a healthy child.
Sources of Vitamin D
Sunbathing and walking in the fresh air is a necessary measure to prevent rickets
Vitamin D is produced in the human skin when exposed to sunlight. After that, it is converted into the D3 metabolite in the kidneys and liver.
For this process to take place, a condition is necessary – clean air. In countries with high levels of dust and gas pollution, there is a real problem of mass rickets among children.
This is the situation in connection with the impossibility of passing through the polluted atmosphere of the spectra of the rays that contribute to the development and accumulation of the element. Another source is food. The element is contained in such products:
- seafood;
- fish liver;
- herring, fish oil, mackerel, mackerel tuna;
- beef;
- raw yolks (remember the danger of salmonellosis);
- butter;
- potatoes, parsley;
- oatmeal;
- milk.
In milk, the vitamin content is scanty, while it contains phosphorus, which interferes with the absorption of the component.
The third source of replenishing the deficiency of an element in the body is taking a synthetic drug as a food supplement.
Despite the not the best environmental situation in the country and the fact that not all nursing mothers eat the prescribed amount of the right food, there is not always an urgent need to take a synthetic vitamin substitute.
IMPORTANT: If the following conditions apply to your case, then you should consult with your pediatrician whether you need to give vitamin D to your baby
- the baby has no primary signs of rickets;
- daily 2-3 hour walks in the fresh air are made (both in summer and in winter);
- habitat – not the most northern part of the country;
- no sunscreen used;
- the sky is not permanently covered with clouds for more than 2 weeks;
- the child has a fair skin tone (not dark-skinned, not dark-skinned);
- a nursing mother’s menu is balanced and rich in foods containing natural vitamin D.
Getting Vitamin D Naturally
All pediatricians agree that breastfeeding is the best prevention of rickets in children. According to numerous studies, babies who eat naturally are less likely to develop the disease.
It is important to keep breast milk for as long as possible, which is so necessary for a growing body. If your mother has lost milk, the recommendations in this article will help restore lactation. WHO recommends breastfeeding for at least 2 years.
The timely introduction of complementary foods into the infant’s diet is also important. The average age of first acquaintance with adult food is 6 months. Gradually introduced into the menu:
- dairy products;
- buckwheat and oatmeal;
- a fish;
- beef liver;
- animal protein (a variety of meats);
- butter, sunflower, and olive oil.
The side effects of taking Excessive Vitamin D
The following are some of the contradictions of Vitamin D if taken in excessive quantity.
- high blood calcium levels;
- kidney and liver diseases;
- problems with the cardiovascular system;
- ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
- The active form of tuberculosis.
- 11 signs of overdose
Vitamin D drops for babies side effects
The side effects caused by vitamin D overdose in infants:
- polyuria (frequent urination);
- dyspepsia (normal stomach activity is disturbed, digestion is difficult and painful);
- loss of elasticity of the skin;
- lack of appetite;
- dry tongue;
- constant thirst;
- frequent vomiting;
- constipation comes to replace diarrhea, and vice versa;
- there is an increase in body temperature;
- sudden weight loss;
- sometimes – a slowdown in the pulse, difficulty breathing, convulsions, an enlarged liver.
Types of Vitamin D drops for babies
- oil based;
- water-based.
- quickly absorbed;
- has a longer-lasting effect;
- allowed for children with gastrointestinal problems;
- The possibility of overdose is excluded since 1 drop contains exactly 500 IU of vitamin, which is equivalent to a daily preventive dose.
How much vitamin “D” drops for newborn
How to give vitamin D to a baby correctly so as not to harm? General rules for taking the drug to prevent rickets:
If the doctor has prescribed a prophylactic reception, observe the dosage and general rules for using the drug
- Prevention is carried out in the autumn and winter months, as prescribed by the pediatrician. To make it easier to remember – in the months, in the name of which there is the letter “P”.
- The prophylactic dose is approximately 500 IU of the vitamin, but it is worth considering the doctor’s recommendations and the official instructions for the drug.
- Take vitamin in the morning during or after breakfast.
- If the baby is artificially fed, warn the pediatrician about this. Some formulas already contain vitamin D.
- If a therapeutic dose is prescribed, then it will be correct to take a break of a week after each month of using the product.
- Do not store the drug in a sunny place at high temperatures.
- If the first symptoms of an overdose of vitamin D are found in infants, immediately stop talking and show the child to the doctor.
In addition to overdose, there is a risk that some babies have an increased sensitivity to the drug or its components (allergy to vitamin D in infants). Before you start, check your individual tolerance . In case of adverse reactions or unwanted symptoms, stop the course and consult a pediatrician.
Vitamin D – Conclusions
If the baby has a deficiency in the body, the metabolic process of phosphorus and calcium is disrupted, the ossification of the skeleton worsens, the growth of teeth slows down. These processes lead to rickets.
Lack of vitamin D is especially dangerous for infants under 1 year old since it is during this period that the most rapid growth in growth is observed. This is especially emphasized by E.O.
The functionality of the calcium and vitamin D is linked with each other. This is the reason we took this opportunity to introduce you a bit with the calcium.
The best calcium supplements: how to choose?
Calcium is a vital element for any living organism, one of the main building blocks for the skeleton and all bones, an irreplaceable, active alkaline earth component involved in many basic metabolic processes in the body
We consume it with food, but current trends are significantly reducing the already small doses of natural calcium in products. The only way to fill up the deficiency is to use special drugs. However, how to choose the optimal form of calcium, which would be quickly and completely absorbed by the body and at the same time would be inexpensive?
What are calcium supplements for?
The choice of the necessary drug must begin with an awareness of its importance for the body, as well as the beneficial properties and potential risks of taking the drug.
For kids
Calcium is the most important mineral for children, starting from the first days of life. It helps the child to fully develop and be healthy. This element in the child’s body is involved in more than three hundred biochemical processes, from the formation and development of bone tissue to the work of muscles and the cardiovascular system.
Calcium in various forms regulates the acid-base balance of the body, protects blood vessels from permeability, regulates muscle tone, and blood clotting.
An insufficient amount of calcium can cause convulsions in a child, multiple sclerosis, rickets, pathologies of the development of the lens of the eye, poor blood clotting.
The full development of the baby, including the active growth of the skeleton, directly depends on the presence in the body of a sufficient amount of the above substance.
Final Words
This is strictly advised not to use any supplement without the advice of the doctor.