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25% OffHair is at the top of our head. This is the reason that these are priority number one for a human to save and rescue. These are the part of our external personality and speak before us as we meet with anybody.
For ages, hair is considered a sign of beauty and health. Our body requires different vitamins and nutritions to work properly and grow effectively. The deficiency of any specific vitamin or element stops the body part to function properly. Sometimes even the growth of that specific body part also suffers.
The same is the case with the hair. Hair and nails are the two of the most prominent body organs that never stop growing. Both of them have maximum atmospheric exposure. So it suffers much from the outer atmosphere.
The condition in the outer atmosphere affects the health of the hair. Moreover, this also affects the growth of the hair. The growth of the hair may also be affected due to the deficiency of any element nutrition and vitamins.
In this article, we will introduce you to some of the basic vitamins and nutrition that you can add in your food to get shiny, healthy, and thick hair.
What Best Vitamins For Hair Growth
Role of Vitamin A in Hair Health

Vitamin A as Growth agent of Hair
Vitamin A is an essential requirement for every cell to grow. It helps the hair to grow fastly. The increased input of vitamin A helps in growing the Hair batter.
Vitamin A makes the hair healthy
Vitamin A does not only assist the hair in growth. In fact, it also improves the quality of the hair by making it more healthy.
Let’s understand how it works. There is a substance in our body created by the skin glands and it is known as Sebum. It performs two tasks
- This moisturizes the skin of the scalp.
- It keeps the hair healthy.
The generation of the sebum is spotted by the presence of vitamin A.
Is vitamin A bad for hair
Yes, the studies do exist. The excess of vitamin A is bad for hair. but the absence of vitamin A is actually dangerous for hair. it is always better to take vitamin A in the normal quantity. The best thing is to rely on the natural sources of vitamin A. We can include it in our food in our daily diet.
The sources of vitamin A
Don’t worry we will not let you alone here. The good thing about this website is that we provide you with complete information and do not need to look at other sources. Vitamin A can be obtained by plants as well as animals.
Plants as a source of vitamin A
In the form of the vegetable, and the fruits the vitamin A can be found in sweet potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, khel, and spinach. Vitamin A is not present in these plants.
Actually these are the source of beta carotene. Beta carotene in our body then converted into vitamin A. So instead of taking vitamin A directly. This is good to take the beta carotene in healthy and normal conditions.
Animal products as a source of vitamin A
A very rich source of vitamin A is cod liver oil. The other good sources include milk eggs and yogurt.
Some other supplements are also available in the market. You may have a look at them too.
Role of Vitamin B – Biotin in Hair Health

The most important member of the vitamin B family is biotin with reference to hair health. Another name given to the biotin is the vitamin H. This best for hair members of the vitamin B family is water-soluble. Not only the hair, it is equally important for the skin and nails too.
The role of biotin in hair health
The deficiency of biotin in the body may cause red rashes on the skin and hair loss. The scientific fact behind this is that hair skin and nails are made up of keratin. Carotene is a special type of protein. The contribution of the biotin is that it helps to improve the infrastructure of keratin. Spotting the basic building block of skin hair and nail the biotin improves the health of skin hair and nail.
Scientific evidence of biotin improving hair conditions
Although very little but the evidence is present. Two different studies conducted at two different instants of time. Women with hair loss are given biotin for 90 days. At the end of the experiment it was observed. The growth of the hair in the hair loss areas was found.
The Dose of the Biotin
All the Biotin intake values are measured in the micrograms (mcg). The maximum amount of the Biotin taken in a day is 100 and the minimum is 30 mcg per day. The level of the Biotin changes with the age limit. The 10 to 20 is the recommended Biotin intake from birth to 3 years of age. 25 is for the 4 to 6 years of age and 30 is 7 to 10 years.
In some special circumstances, the intake of the Biotin may be needed to be increased. Some of the examples are pregnant women or women who are in the process of breastfeeding.
Your doctor is the best guide to recommend to you the proper dose of the biotin.
Plants as a source of biotin
Biotin can be found in multiple plants in the form of vegetable fruits and even serials. Bananas, mushrooms, whole grain, soybean walnuts, peanuts, and almonds are some of the rich sources.
Animal product as a source of biotin
Biting can be found in animal products like egg yolks and meat. special00
Additional benefits of biotin
Biotin has numerous health benefits other than the hair nail and skin
- Highly beneficial in inflammation reduction
- Cognitive function improvement
- Diabetes management
- Help manage cholesterol by decreasing LDL and increasing HDL.
The Role of Other vitamins B Family in Hair Health
The Vitamin B family has numerous vitamins. Other than the biotin these vitamins also have health and hair benefits. It improves the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. Some of the vitamin B family members help in red blood creation. Our blood carries oxygen through the red blood cells. This oxygen helps in the growth of the hair by providing nutrition to Scalp and hair fossils.
Vitamin B sources
Different members of the vitamin B family are found in different foods.
Plant sources
All green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and almonds.
Animal sources
Seafood meat is the source of vitamin B
The sources of vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is an exception and is not found in plants. You can only find it in animal products. If you are a vegetarian or your animal product input is low. You should consider taking a supplement containing vitamin B12.
Role of Vitamin C in Hair Health

Vitamin C helps to protect and improve the health of the hair in at least three prominent known ways.
- As an antioxidant
- As a helper in creating a certain type of protein
- Helps in absorbing different minerals
Vitamin C as an antioxidant
The growth of the hair can be blocked and the health of the hair can be suffered by free radical damage. Vitamin C as a powerful antioxidant helps in tackling this stress. Once this stress is managed this will significantly help in reducing the radical damage caused by oxidants.
Helper in protein creation
Collagen is a protein. This is a building block of the hair. the body cannot create collagen without vitamin C.
Vitamin C as an absorbing agent
Multiple minerals if not dissolve in the body cannot be effective. Some of these minerals are specifically needed by the hair in order to grow and remain healthy. Vitamin C helps in absorbing these minerals and especially the iron.
The sources of vitamin c
vitamin C is found in different plant products like citrus fruits, guava, peppers, and strawberries.
The Role of Vitamin D in Hair Health

Alopecia is a condition caused by the deficiency of vitamin D. Alopecia is the loss of hair. Tiny new ports need to be created in order for hair to grow. Vitamin D helps in creating these pores.
although still, we are not in a position to identify the correct role of vitamin Di in hair growth.
Sources of vitamin D
Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D
Role of Vitamin E in Hair health

Vitamin E plays an important role in tackling the stress created by oxidants. The ability of vitamin E to handle this oxidative stress is due to the reason that vitamin E is an antioxidant. The oxidative pressure stops the hair growth and damages the hair.
The scientific study confirms the increase in hair growth maximum at the level of 34.5 %. These results were found after continuously taking the vitamin E for 8 months.
Sources of vitamin E
Vitamin E can be found in spinach, almond seeds, sunflower, and avocados.
The role of iron in hair care
Blood loses its oxygen-carrying capacity without iron. This makes it an important and essential mineral. Many body functions are associated with it. Hair growth is one of them. Iron deficiency is the reason for anemia. Anemia is one of the main known causes of hair loss.
The sources of iron
Iron can be found both in plants and animal products. This can be found in spinach, lentils, red meat, eggs, oysters, and clams.
In addition to this, the iron is also available in the form of supplements.
The Role of Zinc in Hair Health
Zinc plays an important role in hair health. This has two significant contributions.
- Enhance oil glands working
- Helps in hair tissue repairing and growth
It has been observed in multiple studies that the zinc definition can cause hair loss.
Can Zinc cause hair loss
An important thing to remember is that the excessive amount of zinc can also cause hair loss.
The sources of zinc
This is therefore recommended that you try to get the maximum amount of zinc naturally. In this case, you will certainly avoid the excessive amount of zinc.
The sources of zinc in everyday food are lentils, pumpkin seeds, spinach beef, and oysters.
The Role of Protein in Hair Health
Protein is the basic building component of the hair. The deficiency of the protein can cause the problems related to the hair. This can reduce the number of hair. Although the protein deficiency is really rare in some parts of the world. In some other countries where people do not take the animal product as the food, protein deficiency may occur.
Final words
An important question that should be answered in this article is whether we should take their supplement or not. The answer is it depends on the conditions. Mostly affected by balanced food we can get all the essential elements needed for hair growth. These elements include both the minerals as well as the vitamins.
In some extreme conditions, we may need supplements. After an accident or injury, you may suffer from heavy blood loss. Or any prolonged illness that can cause you many sufferings.
Even in the case of pregnant women after their pregnancy. The mothers who have the children on breastfeeding. And lastly but not the only fatigue created due to hectic routine and heavy work.
If you are suffering from any of the above-narrated conditions you may need the hair supplement. The simple rule of the thumb is if you are not getting the essential minerals and vitamins from the food. You should take the supplement but in consultation with your doctor. But you should be aware of the fact that overdose of vitamin and mineral can be harmful to you.