Genucel Eye Cream Review

Genucel Eye Cream Review

One of the strongest human desires is to stay young forever. This may be possible one day with the continuous development of the modern sciences and technology. Till then we have anti-aging products. These products delay the process of aging.

The process of aging starts right from birth. Till the bloom of youth. This is a desirable process which makes human excited about life. As soon as the middle age starts we begin to witness the dysfunctionalities physically and mentally. This is time when the efforts start to slow down the process of aging and minimization of its effects.


Genucel Eye Cream is the same purpose product and used to minimize the effect of aging around the eyes. With the increase, in age the becomes puffy it started to develop the bags under the eyes. Some products are commercially so successful that it becomes the identity of the firm. Such as the SK-II products are known for Pitera mix. This eye care cream from the Genucel is the product of the same category. It becomes so popular that now it is the identit of the firm.

How it all started

George Faltaous is a pharmacist. He founded the company Genucel. This company is based on the selling principle of business to consumer. This is the reason that the maximum benefit is delivered to the customer.

This was 1999 when a person requested or suggested the Faltaous to make a cream that can solve the problem of wrinkles. His problem was resolved and he was happy to share this among its circle of friends. Soon the demand increases and the dermatologist started to use this product and find it helpful. This is time the when George Faltaous decided to quit his job started his oen company Genucel.

Genucel is known only for two products one is for the skin around the eye. The second is the product for the jaw line. The extract of the calendula flower is used as the base the two other ingredients of the product are collagen builders and antioxidants

Animal Protection

The firm follows a fair principle. This fair treatment is for all even for the animals. This policy of the firm as illustrated by its web site is that no animal is harmed during the making of the product.

The Genucel Eye Cream Ingridents

Currently the Genucel Eye Cream includes the following ingredients. All of these are helpful to stop aging effects. It has Vitamin C, green tea as antioxidant , seed extracts of the graps and canberry. The remaining ingredients are like the famous hyaluronic acid. This is an helpful element to hold moustire inside the skin. The extract of the bearbarry plant has the quality to reduce black circle if donot eliminate it completely.

Pros and Cons of the Genucel Eye Cream

By examining the multiple reviews we have summed up the positive and negative aspects of the Genucel Eye Cream. Lets have a look

[i2pc pros_icon="icon icon-thumbs-o-up" cons_icon="icon icon-cancle" show_title="false" title="Pros & Cons" show_button="false" pros_title="Positive Aspects" cons_title="Negative Aspects" ] [i2pros] The ingredients used in the cream has proved effective in the treatment of puffiness of eyes. The most effective one is Eyeseryl. This is known to provide results in 15 days. The product comes with the complete protection for your money. It provides 60 days money back warranty. Complete protection is provided Through the complete mix of the product pack. The antioxidants are included in the medicine. These are for the protection of the skin from the redical damage. [/i2pros] [i2cons] Some side effects are repeatedly reported and are noted in this article too. You need to purchase the complete protective kit either you need it or not The Customer services are not upto the mark Some customers find this is an expensive product to use The people are unaware about the results of the clinical trials [/i2cons][/i2pc]

The Side Effects Genucel Eye Cream

Multiple side effects have been reported by the different users. Most people are generally satisfied with the performance of the Genucel Eye Cream. But very few reported some side effects these three side effects are Peeling Redness and irritation.

#1. Peeling

Pelling means that the uper layer of the skin started to peal off. This is a very annoying condition. Usually it stops automatically. But f the condition persists consult your dermatologist.

#2. Irritation

This is the feeling of uneasiness. If this is bearable its fine. This felling may be get away as the skin get use to of it. Other wise reduce the quantity of the cream and increase it gradually. This will make the skin use to of it.

#3. Redness

This is anothe type of the skin sentavity. A side effect occurred due to the cream. Again the recipe to handle this side effect is same. Reduce the quantity of the cream. And then again increase in small steps. Thos will make your skin use to of the cream.


We have noted that all the people who have suffered from the side effect have sensitive skin. The solution is easy. You can match the ingredients of the product and check if there is any product forwhich your skin is sensitive.

Genucel Eye Cream Review

There reviews are collected around the web from different websites ane forms. We are in any case not in the position to verify the claims of different people. So it is recommended to consult with your beautician or dermatologist or doctor befre making any decision.

Here we have collected the multiple reviews from different people. You can match and find if the person wih same problem as yours has made an comment. This make it easy for you to decided theat if you need this cream for your specific problem or not

#1. 49 year Old Lady

This review is based on the opinion of the 49 year old lady. As per her opinion she found the cream very banifical.

#2. The Complete eye solution

I have decided to use the product for the bags under my eyes. This truly is the solution I needed and looked for. People say that it is expensive. But for me this is all right. I was even willing to pay more for this problem. As my problem is resolved. I donot think that this product demands more in comparison to its efficacy and effectiveness.

#3. Problem With the Auto Renewal

A female reported that she has no problem with the product. Even then she was not happy. The reason of her unhappiness is not about the bad performance of the product. This is about the auto renewal of the order. As per the female she didnt notice that the auto order renewal is auomatic set.

As soon as she wa notified through the transaction of her credit card that a renew order has been sent to her. She tried to cancel the order. She was told that the product has already been discharged. Although she had called with in an hour but all invain.

If you are placing an online order be sure that you are placing it right. Double check all the options. so that you may save yourself from any misahap.

An other annoyed user has the same issue. He said that he created the account three months ago. He now wants to cancel the account but despite of his continuous effort. He was not able to do so. He dont have the good opinion about the customer care services of the firm too.

This can be a possibility that the users are not fully aware of the system. This may be due to multiple reasons but whatever the reasons were this issue can be problematic for the firm. The firm selling the Genucel Eye Cream should resolve this. Otherwise, the continuous presence of this issue in multiple Genucel Eye Cream Reviews may create the problem.

#4. Giving it a trial

A user reported that she started to use the product two weeks before. One week passed and nothing happen. I decided to continue the use of the product. After one more week nothing happen. Even then there is no significant improvement. The frequency of my use of this product is twice a day.

Still I am thinking to give it a try for another two weeks. This will make a complete one month. If I will not get the significan improvement I will withdraw.

#5. An Extremly annoyed Customer

An extremely annoyed customer was writing that he was fooled by the company. He thought that all the claims made in the aradio add are actually spams. The other thing he didnt like about the firm is that the order cancalation product is not good.

When ever you want to cancel the product. You have been directed to an department where nobody picks your call. As you have been told continuously that the company representative are busy with other customers

#6. The treatment of the Dark Circles Due to less sleep

Due to the work burden and less time. The time to sleep in my life is very less. A review from a modern-day digital worker. This brought dark circles under my eye. I have tried multiple ways to get rid of it. The most effective one is Genucel Eye Cream.

It started to show its effect soon. And is still very effective. I am continuously enjoying its effects.

#7. 60 Year Old Male Reviews

A 60-year-old male has positive reviews about the Genucel Eye Cream. He was of the opinion that the cream has some magical results. It works great for him. The bags under his eyes started to remove very soon. He considers this a highly effective product and the cheap one too. His reason to consider the product cheap is related to the consumption of the product.

As per his opinion, a very small amount of the cream is needed to be applied. The results started to appear so early. He is full satisfied with the product results and its pricing.

#8. Half Priced Product

A person reported that alrough he has purchases the product in the half price. But this proved to be a complete pieace of junk for him. He said rateher he may use the wasline. This can be more affective if he may use some other product then this may be batter than this.

#9. Dark Cycle

Anothe user quoted that he had used a number of products including this one for the treatment of the darkcircles. But unfortunately none of them worked well. This person was completely angry on allthe products. Generally this is not possible that all the products are completely in vain.

This may be a possiblality that this problem is due to some other underline health problem. So if you feel the same then please go for the complete medical examination.

Important Note

All of the above narrated Genucel Eye Cream Review are provided by different users. We have not revealed their true identity. But we have no hesitation to accept that by any means we are not in a position to verify the claims made by the people. So be vigilant before choosing the product

Final Words

Despite of the fact that this is a relative new product. This started to gather a good number of the fans. Many pople use the product and witnessed the great results be themselves. Others have the issue with the delivery and the product packaging. People are generally not happy with the customer care unit. Event tough the reputation of the firm is good and it holds the BBB reputation.

Some side effects are also reported. These are studied and the possible fixes are written in the article. Although not a big majority but some people didnt find the treatment useful at all. More over the clinical findings are also not shared with the people.

By considering all these things. We highly recommend to consult a dermatologist or a beauty expert before starting this product.